I'm in the early stages of writing a bot for Betfair, and have got
the basics of logging in, getting prices etc down, but I am concerned about security of the login I am making. In the API-NG tutorial
(in the Certificate Login Interface Details section) they mention:
But what does that mean exactly, encoded how?
Currently I'm just following the tutorial Python example with:
but does this mean my user and password are being sent insecurely?
the basics of logging in, getting prices etc down, but I am concerned about security of the login I am making. In the API-NG tutorial
(in the Certificate Login Interface Details section) they mention:
Please note: The username and password values should be encoded when making the login request.
Currently I'm just following the tutorial Python example with:
payload = 'username=myusername&password=password' headers = {'X-Application': 'SomeKey', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} resp = requests.post('https://identitysso.betfair.com/api/certlogin', data=payload, cert=('client-2048.crt', 'client-2048.key'), headers=headers)