Can anyone please provide me with an Example token request - JSON for the revokeAccessToWebApp API call?
I reckon it is the header information which I am passing incorrectly.
I have tried:
Header: 'X-Application' : 'your app key'
Header: 'X-Authentication' : 'your session token'
Header: 'X-Application' : 'your app key'
Header: 'Authorization' : 'BEARER' + ' ' + 'your session token'
I've been struggling with this for hours and tried loads of different variations, all without success! I consistently receive an INVALID_SESSION_INFORMATION exception, but I know the token is OK (assuming I'm passing the correct token!).
The doco:
does NOT give any example token requests for: revokeAccessToWebApp and web searches haven't helped, nor has any sample code!
Any help/info/advice appreciated...
Can anyone please provide me with an Example token request - JSON for the revokeAccessToWebApp API call?
I reckon it is the header information which I am passing incorrectly.
I have tried:
Header: 'X-Application' : 'your app key'
Header: 'X-Authentication' : 'your session token'
Header: 'X-Application' : 'your app key'
Header: 'Authorization' : 'BEARER' + ' ' + 'your session token'
I've been struggling with this for hours and tried loads of different variations, all without success! I consistently receive an INVALID_SESSION_INFORMATION exception, but I know the token is OK (assuming I'm passing the correct token!).
The doco:
does NOT give any example token requests for: revokeAccessToWebApp and web searches haven't helped, nor has any sample code!
Any help/info/advice appreciated...