I am trying to call "placeOrders" functionality and passing all 3 parameter. which is "marketId","placeInstructions","customerRef". but getting exception, Here is the exception details which getting.
Issue's details(getting in "placeOrders" function):
Error Details: BadRequest : DSC-0018
RequestUUID: prdang008-11201232-000386523f
HResult: -2146233088
There is following code snippets I have written to place bet.
//Creating the object
IList<PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List<PlaceInstruction>();
var placeInstruction = new PlaceInstruction();
placeInstruction.Handicap = 0;
placeInstruction.Side = Side.LAY;
placeInstruction.OrderType = OrderType.LIMIT_ON_CLOSE;
var limitOrder = new LimitOrder();
limitOrder.PersistenceType = PersistenceType.MARKET_ON_CLOSE;
// place a back bet at rediculous odds so it doesn't get matched
limitOrder.Price = 7.24;
limitOrder.Size = 37.76; // placing a bet below minimum stake, expecting a error in report
placeInstruction.LimitOrder = limitOrder;
placeInstruction.SelectionId = 7552880;
String marketId = "1.111967559";
var customerRef = "98268";
var placeExecutionReport = client.placeOrders(marketId, placeInstructions, customerRef);
Please assist me and let me know where I am doing wrong.
Your suggestion will be very helpful and appriciable.
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to call "placeOrders" functionality and passing all 3 parameter. which is "marketId","placeInstructions","customerRef". but getting exception, Here is the exception details which getting.
Issue's details(getting in "placeOrders" function):
Error Details: BadRequest : DSC-0018
RequestUUID: prdang008-11201232-000386523f
HResult: -2146233088
There is following code snippets I have written to place bet.
//Creating the object
IList<PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List<PlaceInstruction>();
var placeInstruction = new PlaceInstruction();
placeInstruction.Handicap = 0;
placeInstruction.Side = Side.LAY;
placeInstruction.OrderType = OrderType.LIMIT_ON_CLOSE;
var limitOrder = new LimitOrder();
limitOrder.PersistenceType = PersistenceType.MARKET_ON_CLOSE;
// place a back bet at rediculous odds so it doesn't get matched
limitOrder.Price = 7.24;
limitOrder.Size = 37.76; // placing a bet below minimum stake, expecting a error in report
placeInstruction.LimitOrder = limitOrder;
placeInstruction.SelectionId = 7552880;
String marketId = "1.111967559";
var customerRef = "98268";
var placeExecutionReport = client.placeOrders(marketId, placeInstructions, customerRef);
Please assist me and let me know where I am doing wrong.
Your suggestion will be very helpful and appriciable.
Thanks in advance.