I'm currently using API 6.0 GetBets method in order to monitor my bets' status (U|M|L|C|S) and once they get settled to monitor their profit/loss. From what i can see, the equivalent for GetBets in API-NG would be listCurrentOrders which is lacking the profit/loss field and the status field as we knew it. Does any know how to perform the above cenario with the new API-NG??
Thanks in advance,
André N. Rocha
I'm currently using API 6.0 GetBets method in order to monitor my bets' status (U|M|L|C|S) and once they get settled to monitor their profit/loss. From what i can see, the equivalent for GetBets in API-NG would be listCurrentOrders which is lacking the profit/loss field and the status field as we knew it. Does any know how to perform the above cenario with the new API-NG??
Thanks in advance,
André N. Rocha